Open Science and Reproducible Data in Computational Biology
SCS 2022 Panel
We are pleased to host a round table to talk and discuss with you about "Open Science and Reproducible Data in Computational Biology". Our panel will be held via Zoom on July 9th from 18.30-19.30 UTC and we are planning to broadcast it on YouTube simultaneously (even if not simultaneously, it will be on the ISCB YouTube channel on the same day). There will be two invited talks given by Dr. Ming (Tommy) Tang and Yo Yehudi together with open discussion regarding to your questions. First, Yo Yehudi will give inspiring presentation on the importance of Open Science, and its challenges in today's conditions, and then we will have Dr. Ming (Tommy) Tang's presentation on Reproducible data in Bioinformatics. Afterwards, there will be some questions and discussion within the scope of the Google form responses (1 hour). Therefore, we kindly ask you to fill the form for any question that you would like to ask and discuss during the table.